How to Win Long-Term Relationships with Gen Z Account Holders


February 14 — February 14




Constantly connected and user experience-obsessed, Generation Z (Gen Z) will soon represent the largest pool of account holders that banks and credit unions will serve over the next decade. What is the best way to attract and retain Gen Z account holders? It’s a hot topic today in financial institutions worldwide. It’s all about using the right channels, focusing on technology to deliver excellent user experience and using their transactional behavior trends to personalize the experience further.

Join us for How to Win Long-Term Relationships with Gen Z Account Holders presented by Engage fi and Alkami on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 12 – 1 PM CT. In this exclusive webinar, our panel of experts will explore three tactics on how financial institutions should be reaching, acquiring and growing relationships with this digitally savvy generation that is estimated to have $360 billion in spending power.